
School of Medical Technology and Nursing


School of Medical Technology and Nursing, with a history of more than a half century, got its start in 1958 as Wuhan Transport and Hygienic College which was merged by WHPU and constructed into School of Medicine in 2000 and renamed Health Science and Nursing Department in May 2006. In July 2011 the name was changed into School of Medical Technology and Nursing.

Throughout the half century, it offered a number of specialities including Community Medicine, Nursing, Drug Inspection, Pharmaceutics, Midwifery, Medical Imaging Technology, Medical Record Management, Maternal and Child Health, Foreign-concerned Nursing, Pharmaceutical Merchandise Marketing and other two specialities in Clinical Medicine and Nursing for adult higher education. Currently, the School has two four-year undergraduate teaching programs including Nursing and Rehabilitation and two two-year college graduate teaching programs including Nursing and Pharmaceutical Marketing. Rehabilitation Treatment is the first undergraduate program in Hubei Province in this field, which has made its undergraduates in short supply.

There are 34 full-time teachers in the School, including 7 doctors, 20 masters, 13 teachers who have studied abroad (3 are overseas postdoctorates), Among the faculty member there are 4 full professors, 14 associate professors and 5 master's supervisors. In addition, the Clinical Teaching Base regularly invites many famous professionals to give lectures, including Distinguished Professor Yuan Jianyun, the World Health Organization nursing consultant, tenured professor and doctoral supervisor in Nursing in Health and Human Services Institute, George Mason University, America.

The School has a basic medical experiment center and a clinical skills training center (the School demonstrative center), with the total value of teaching apparatus worth over 4 million yuan. Clinical teaching bases have been set up in 15 tertiary-level hospitals inside and outside the province, including Hubei Xinhua Hospital and the Yangtze Shipping General Hospital, Ministry of Communications.

The School focuses on not only teaching but on scientific research as well. Nursing, as a key discipline in WHPU, authorized to grant master’s degree as an approved project under construction of Hubei province. Medicine Nursing Science is a provincial fine curriculum, and Human Anatomy and Surgery are two of the School key disciplines. Through the five years, the faculty members have made great achievements. They have received over 20 provincial and ministerial research projects, published over 160 papers and more than 20 monographs and textbooks, and won two provincial and ministerial awards.

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