
School of Mathematics and Computer Science


The School of Mathematics and Computer Science offers six four-year undergraduate programs: Computer Science and Technology, Software Engineering, Digital Media Technology, Information Management and Information System and Information and Computing Science. The School has Teaching & Research offices of Computer Science and Technology, Software Engineering, Digital Media Technology, Information Management and Information System, Information and Computing Science, Public Mathematics, General Computer Science, and has laboratories of relevant specialties and General Computer Science, and has research institutions of Embedded Technology, Multimedia Software Engineering Technology, Software Engineering and Information Processing. The School aims at cultivating excellent application-oriented talents with theoretical knowledge and a good command of information processing technology and computer skills. Currently, there are about 1,400 undergraduates and postgraduates in our School.

The School has a creative team, with 80 faculty and 14 staff members. Among the faculty members there are more than 30 full professors and associate professors (of which about 20 are master’s supervisors), including 1 “Chutian Scholar” of Hubei Province, 2 “Changqing Scholars” and 1 outstanding teacher of our University, 1 young and middle-aged expert making remarkable contributions awarded by China Ministry of Internal Trade, 1 Hubei provincial young and middle-aged expert with remarkable contributions and 1 outstanding teacher of Hubei Higher Education Institutions.

The School adheres to teaching-orientation, actively carrying out the reform of teaching content, teaching methods and teaching means and achieving great successes. Advanced Mathematics is rated as Provincial High-quality Course in 1994 and Provincial Fine Curriculum in 2004. The School launches academic competitions and university-enterprise collaboration has made great achievements. The School Laboratory, with an area of more than 7,000 square meters and capital asserts of 10 million RMB, guarantees the good conditions for the cultivation of the undergraduates and postgraduates.

In the past three years, under the leadership of the School Party Committee, both teaching and research have been successful. The School has received many research grants, among which have won the first and second prizes of Provincial Excellent Teaching Achievements. Over 30 textbooks and more than 500 papers have been published, 100 of which are catalogued by SCI, EI and ISTP. Currently, the school has received a Strategic-new-industry-talent-cultivation Program of Hubei province and National post-doctoral fund projects (level 1). some students participates in “China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling” every year, winning over National Prizes (the first prize and second prize), Provincial Prizes (the first prize and the second prize).

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