
School of Economics and Management


School of Economics and Management grew out of Department of Management Science which was formed in 1984 (renamed School of Economics, Trade and Management in 2002). It was established in 2006, according to Wuhan Polytechnic University’s strategy of letting Management be one of the three legs of a tripod and developing Technology, Management and Science in coordination.

School of Economics and Management offers two master’s degree programs in Business Administration and Management Engineering and Science, two first-class disciplines. It also offers a specialized master’s degree program in Agrotechnical Extension (with Rural and Regional Economy Development oriented). Undergraduate Specialties offered by the school are Business Administration, Logistics Management, Accounting, Tourism Management, Marketing, International Economics and Trade, and Finance. Business management contains key disciplines and specialties of the provincial level, characterized with the research on “Management of Agro-Products Processing Enterprises.” Key research Bases in Humanities & Social Sciences of provincial universities and Colleges include “Research Center of County-Level Economy Development of Hubei Province,” “Research Institute of Agro-Products Processing Enterprises,” and “Research Center of Non-traditional Grain Safety.”

School of Economics and Management has a strong and energetic teaching and research team. The full-time teaching staff is 85, with 31 having senior academic titles, 32 having doctor’s degrees (PhD candidates included), and 10 having the experience of studying abroad. The School has established long-term operation with many foreign universities. Besides, the School has engaged many famous experts and scholars as visiting professors. The University has engaged an “Evergreen Scholar” for the “Management of Agro-Products Processing Enterprises.” Now there are more than 2500 enrolled undergraduate students and over 100 postgraduate students in the School.

Currently teachers of the School have undertaken and partaken in over 60 projects of National Natural Science foundation and National Social Science foundation, and of state, provincial-ministerial or above levels. They have published 40 treatises and textbooks, and over 100 academic theses in core journals. The Pattern of “One, One, Two, Four” has gradually been formed. The first “One” refers to the principle of “Gaining a foothold in Hubei Province, facing enterprises, radiating through the country and keeping up with the development of the world.” The second “One” refers to the orientation of Agro-Products Processing and Transformation. The “Two” refers to the development of “Two Wings”, with Management as one wing and Economics as the other, emphasizing on the research on the management of agro-products processing enterprises and on the economy of grain and oil respectively. The “Four” refers to four research teams: Research Team of the Management of Agro-Products Processing Enterprises, Research Team of Grain Safety, Research Team of Grain Logistics, and Research Team of Economic Assessment.

School of Economics and Management keeps to the training of qualified talents as its guidance, continuously optimizes training programs, and focuses on the training of students’ ability to study, to apply and to create. The employment rate of graduates has topped the table of provincial universities and colleges as far as similar specialities are concerned.

Now the school takes Scientific Outlook on Development as its guidance, adheres to the motto of “following moral norms rigorously, pursuing academic studies diligently, strengthening willpowers constantly and undertaking tasks perseveringly,” carries forward the school-running spirit of “Being dedicated to work, loving the University, blazing the way through difficulties, advocating solidarity and combatant spirit, and pursuing excellence” and tries to train more talents in business management who are capable of putting into practice what they have learned.

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